Theory of Change Model for a Water Fund

While a theory of change will always need to be localized and developed by local teams, the overarching concept of building credibility, influence, and then impacting at scale will be useful to all Water Funds.


  • Credibility: As a credible contributor to improved water security, the Water Fund is gaining social and political capital with relevant and influential actors.
  • Influence: As a formal participant in relevant decision-making and governance processes, the Water Fund holds evidence of its success in influencing water security-related public policy.
  • Impact @ Scale: As an influential entity, Water Funds are now prepared and capable of helping create systemic change and positive water security impacts at scale.

Water Funds may first seek to build a reputation as a credible entity that can help enhance the region's water security. Once established as a relevant contributor, the Water Fund should seek to increase its ability to influence public policy, mobilize stakeholders and contribute to water governance, ultimately unlocking the potential to create significant impacts at scale.