Goals: Biodiversity

Biodiversity Goals define long –term and short-term goals for biodiversity in order to ensure that actions in water funds are achieving benefits for both people and nature. These goals should influence the types and spatial arrangement of actions, and not just be byproducts of them as planned for addressing water security. Goals can include protection and/or restoration of habitats, but not as implementation goals per se, which should be generated after priority actions and spatial arrangements are defined.


The following bullets are examples that were set in 2017.

Long-term goals

  • No loss of natural forest and/or riparian corridors in priority area by 2040
  • Improved flow and/or water quality for 150 km of river ecosystem by 2040
  • No loss of bird, tree, or fish species diversity or abundance through 2040
  • Re-establishment of 3,000 hectares of native forest ecosystems with associated re-establishment of forest bird species in those areas by 2040
  • Re-establishment of 100km of riparian forest by 2040

Short-term goals

  • Measurably improved flow and/or water quality for 25 km of river ecosystem by 2022
  • Re-establishment of 750 hectares of native forest ecosystems by 2022
  • Re-establishment of 35km of riparian forest by 2022
  • No decrease in base-flow during dry season by 2022

Other examples with indicators:

● In 20 years, 25,000 hectares of reforested lands with native species will contain a native bird fauna indicating a high level of ecological integrity

    Example of indicator: # Area of reforestation, forest ecological integrity indicator values (e.g. bird species)

● In 10 years, the fish Index of Biotic Integrity improves from fair to good

    Example of indicator:# Fish IBI sampling indicates improvements based on species composition criteria

● In 20 years, the native fish species composition is maintained and species distributions and density are increased

   Example of indicator: # Number, distribution, and density of native fish species