Goals: Water Security

Water Security Goals define the current issues for water security and the goals for future desired status, in the long–term. It typically makes sense to have a range of long-term goal horizons, with more aspirational or difficult to achieve goals further out.

City of Nairobi Water Treatment Plant (c) Georgina Smith/CIAT


The following bullets are examples that were set in 2017.

Long-term goals

  • No water supply disruptions over a period of at least 3 years by 2040
  • No need for additional water supply infrastructure through 2040
  • 20% reduction in average annual water supply treatment costs by 2035

Short-term goals

  • 5% reduction in water supply disruptions by 2022
  • 5% reduction in projected disruption risk for future water supply by 20225% reduction in annual water supply treatment costs by 2020

Other examples with indicators:

● In 10 years, there will be no disruption in water supply from sedimentation related issues

    Example of indicator: # water service disruptions annually due to sedimentation related issues

● In 20 years, there will be no disruption in water supply during the dry season

    Example of indicator: # water service disruptions annually due to insufficient base flow

● In 10 years, the source waters will never exceed legal limits for water quality for municipal supply water intake, and there will be no disruption of water supply

   Example of indicator: # water disruptions annually due to exceeded water quality standards

● In 10 years, there will be a 25% reduction in flood risk from 5-25 year storm events

   Example of indicator: # Relationship between storm peak flow and precipitation, and flood damages caused by actual storms