Phase 2

Step 2.03 , Update Situation Analysis


To update information pertinent to strategic decision-making in the Situation Analysis. 

Key Ideas

The Situation Analysis Report should be revisited at this point of the process.

  • The Situation Analysis Report is a key input for developing the Water Fund Strategic Plan

    The Situation Analysis details the current state of water security, regional governance, stakeholders, and much more. It is important that your team and Water Fund Board have the most current information on which you will base your strategic decisions.
  • The situation may have evolved since the original report was prepared

    This report will need to be updated to account for any changes in circumstances within the region that are pertinent to the Water Fund’s mission. That includes changes in key factors such as water security considerations, water policy, stakeholder interest, and so on.
  • New stakeholders may have joined the Water Fund since the original report was prepared

    New information, insights, and/or stakeholder details may have been contributed by the newly formalized steering committee/Board, advisors, or other trusted source. Other stakeholders also may have emerged since the original report was prepared. The report should be updated to account for these new inputs.
  • Use the same format and template as the original report

    To ensure that the report is prepared as efficiently as possible, only the sections that have changed or need to be updated should be modified (including any additions of new sections). The Situation Analysis is a living document.


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