Phase 1

Step 1.00 , Feasibility

The Feasibility Phase is undertaken to test eligibility by quickly and efficiently determining if there are water security challenges and a potential for a Water Fund to help.

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What is the reason this Phase needs to be done?

The Feasibility Phase is undertaken to test eligibility by quickly and efficiently determining if there are water security challenges and a potential for a Water Fund to help.  

If so, then the Feasibility Phase proceeds by assessing the feasibility of a Water Fund (by more deeply understanding the situation) and generally determining how a Water Fund could positively contribute to water security within a defined area/region.


What specific results do we aim to achieve?

  • Assessing and deciding whether to invest further based on eligibility screening efforts.
  • If eligible, deciding whether its feasible to continue investing in preparing for and designing a Water Fund, including whether there are sufficient commitments and resources to continue.


What are the tangible products resulting from this work?

  • Eligibility Screening: Provides a summary-level description of water security challenges in a region and whether a Water Fund could help address these concerns.
  • Situation Analysis Report – Provides a more detailed review of available technical and other information needed to assess the feasibility of developing a Water Fund.  The report contains details on water resources, relevant regional context and a thorough water security situational analysis.  These contents are accompanied by supporting maps and figures along with an initial stakeholder inventory and evaluation, all aimed at building greater understanding of the challenges and opportunities for a Water Fund to help improve water security in the region.
  • Decision Support Document Building upon the Situation Analysis, the Decision Support Document provides: a go/no go recommendation; a clear articulation of the water security challenges and the magnitude of these problems (to the extent known); along with the potential Water Fund contributions/interventions that could help improve water security in the region.  The Document’s aim is to inform a decision on going forward with the Water Fund’s design and providing any accompanying recommendations/conditions for moving ahead. 
  • Formal CommitmentsIncluding commitment of a potential champion, hiring/onboarding a Water Fund Director and sufficient financial resources to complete a Water Fund’s design.


What conditions must be satisfied to move forward?

  • The Water Fund is deemed to be a feasible mechanism: the Water Fund has been deemed 'feasible' based on the findings of the Water Fund Feasibility Decision Support Document. 
  • Resources have been committed: relevant decision-makers have deemed sufficient commitments and resources exist to support the Water Fund's design and agrees that other conditions (if any) that must be addressed before moving ahead have been satisfied.
  • Formal 'go' decision has been made: relevant decision-makers have formally documented their decision for the Water Fund to move forward to the Design Phase.