Phase 3

Step 3.00 , Creation

Overview of the Creation Phase

The creation process includes an official public launch of the Water Fund, which provides an excellent opportunity to attract membership, investors, and communicate the vision for the Fund. This phase further involves the formalization of the long-term legal mechanisms through which the Fund will operate (e.g. contracts, bylaws, etc.).


What is the reason this Phase needs to be done?

The Creation Phase is undertaken to prepare the Water Fund for operation and officially launch it. 


What specific results do we aim to achieve?

  • Complete the initial Annual Operating Plan, preparing the Fund to pursue its strategy and conduct work in pursuit of established objectives, goals and targets.
  • As plausible, to start efforts that can provide tangible ‘quick wins’, validating (even if in small ways) the impact this institution can make and accelerating recognition/credibility with critical and priority stakeholders.
  • Use a formal launch event to build broad awareness of the Water Fund and its aspirations to help improve the region’s water security. 


What are the tangible products resulting from this work?

  • WF Becomes a ‘Legal Entity’: WF is established as an appropriate legal entity in the jurisdiction where it will operate.
  • Annual Operating Plan: The initial Operating Plan is completed (including the first year budget) and has been approved by the Water Fund Board.
  • Operational Management Readiness: Systems, resources and staff are sufficiently in place to begin Water Fund operations.
  • Launch Event: Preparation, promotion and execution of the Water Fund’s public launch have been successfully completed.


What conditions must be satisfied to move forward?

  • Verified all deliverables are complete, ensuring preparedness for the Operation Phase.
  • Confirmed committed resources will be available to the fund operations.